one should live within their means.
stop cursing like it's a cool Latin chant.
ego-maniac should learn to kiss the ground.
never stop dreaming, it's free.
be sensitive. to other's feelings.
do not be over sensitive, grow up.
constructive criticism should have a rule.
be positive, never give up.
power tripping means you're insecure.
learn how to reward yourself and when to be responsible.
responsibilities are endless do not expect rewards.
promises are promises, be your own fool.
conquer places, when you can afford it.
bask in the sun, you'll never know when's your last sunlight.
be realistic with your dreams.
face your fears, love yourself.
love yourself, respect people.
stop being stuck, move on.
stop blaming others with your own actions.
make a plan, make it work.
be inspired, share.
be generous, to those who deserve it.
make connections, have faith in humanity.