Monday, February 23, 2009

desiderium ...

Someone ...

who loves -

the ocean's breeze
the moonlit patio
the aroma of coffee
the warmth of the candle
the comfort in a hug
the joy in a kiss
the intimacy of holding each other's hands
the art of seduction
the friendly bantering
the intense glare
the passion in classical music
the corniest jokes
the casual touching of each other's face
the sweet murmur of endearments
the calling of funny names
the candid glances
the thoughtful smiles
the smell of sunshine
the walk in the beach
the movie marathon's
the antiques
the poetries
the quotes
the romantic letters
the color black and dark purple
the thousand and a hundred meaning of a single flower
the sound of the pouring rain against the roof
the feel of the rain against warmth skin
the beauty that is hidden beneath the beats

and most of all
I want him to love me ...

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